Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cockney Fug

"Cockney Fug". 2000x2000. Adobe Photoshop. 9.26.12.

"Oy! You ain't som kind of bent wanka, is you?"

Sup Jesus?

"Sup Jesus?". 2000x2000. Adobe Photoshop. 9.25.12.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Style Sketches

2000x2000. Adobe Photoshop. 9.24.12.

This series of sketches represents my experimentation with a new drawing style of mine. The more I made them, the more I improved, as you can tell by the difference between the first and the last one, with the woman being the most recent. I'm excited to see where this style takes me, and hope to implement it into my animation work.